Some of our archived classes are available for purchase.

The Deeper Teachers:
Pain, Fear, and Grief

In this three-part webinar series, join Mark Nepo in an exploration of pain, fear, and grief—our deeper teachers. Eventually, everyone will be dropped into the depth of life. It may happen because of some life-threatening illness or a sudden loss or from being loved unconditionally for the first time or by the sudden beauty of grace. But once broken open, the deeper, relational journey begins by which we truly know that we are alive.

The One Life We're Given:
Saying Yes to Life

During these three sessions, Mark Nepo opens a heart space through which we can better understand our own relationship to how rare it is to be here at all and how precious, real, and raw our tether to this life and each other.

But there are no answers, only authentic ways to listen and hold each other. And so, Mark invites you on a journey to discover what waits like a seed within each of us: our call to be who we are everywhere, our chance to hold nothing back, and our challenge to have love move as quickly as light.

The Gift of Relationship

This 3-session webinar will center on the gift and work of relationship. For it is only through the bonds of relationship that we can help each other stay awake. While no one can live your life for you, the deep paradox is that no one can make it alone. It seems life has been made just hard enough that we need each other, in order to ensure the journey of love. Every life on Earth is initiated into a rhythm between solitude and community. Every life on Earth struggles with when to build a wall and when to take it down. We all struggle when to be present and when to hide.